Monday, November 3, 2014

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

I'm totally comfortable where I am in life.  That's the scary part.  Comfort, for me, breeds nothing more than stagnation. 

I've been working on my home like CRAZY over the last six months.  Really, it's been since I bought it nearly three years ago... but since I made the decision to sell, it's been nonstop.  Why?  I want to get the best price possible for it, of course.  Well, I've reached the point where I do not want to sink any more money into it because it pretty much looks fabulous right now.  So what now?

I started this fitness journey a couple months back (for the millionth time) and the last two weeks fell off the wagon because of letting the business of work and open houses get in the way. 

I think I intentionally sabotage myself some times.  I think I sabotage because I know that when I reach my health goals, there is no stopping me.  Why should this scare me more than anything else in life?  Because it may just lead to me having everything I've ever wanted... and that is different than the comfort I experience in life, now.

Move over comfort - time to welcome change and excitement.  It's a constant battle!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I have a confession - I haven't been biking.  So.  Borrrriiiinnnnggggg.  I need to get outside, I think! 

On the flip side - I thought I'd have a lot more to say about all this and I just don't.  HAHA!  This is how I was meant to be.  This is ME.  I love it =)  I guess I do hate swallowing all that chlorine - but I'm swallowing less. (yah yah...shoosh your dirty mind)

Happy Sunday, my peeps!  FOOTBALL!  Side note - while everyone else was watching the Giants game, I was watching some college football.  I found a new love. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Still truckin' along... nothing new to really talk about.  Getting stronger.  Getting faster.  I love it!

Here's a little side note... I just read this and thought I would share.  I love THIS more than the other stuff.  Maybe it's just my job, but I come across a lot of sad people.  I know that is part of life - we all get there at times, some more than others.  These thoughts resonated with me, because they are TRUE!

“'The best thing for being sad,' replied Merlin, ' to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it...'"
― T.H. White

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I hate leaving things negatively!  Got out of my funk.  I did FINE.  I'm so in my head WAY too much.  Can I drink heavily and still train?  haha... THAT would be pretty much perfect for me =))

Off for a swim and run...

By the way... my choice for the blog as opposed to Facebook:  People can CHOSE to read my nonsense if wanted ;)

AND... Who the heck is going to start training with me??  C'mon guys... SOMEONE.  It's really not that tough.  Just a 'lil sprint tri!  If **I**  can do this... uh anyone can!

I still haven't figured out how I'm going to get a bike to Florida.... hmmmmmmm  I feel a little research coming my way.  No bike I purchase any time soon will be expensive enough to ship anywhere, I assume!  Rental, maybe?

Food wise - at home I rock it.  At work, not so much.  I try and cram WAY too much into one day.  Forget to pack a lunch... hello... whatever the best choice I can find between my NINE calls in a 12 hour shift.... yes, that is me complaining.  I'm done now though =)

Have an amazing day, everyone!

PS I'm going to the gym and didn't shave.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Feeling very... disjointed today.  Ahhhhh!!  Already?  Fuck.  Just gonna go swim and maybe run... without even thinking about why... and just because it makes me feel good.  If I can get it together - SUP!

Monday, September 15, 2014

I haven't gotten to blog as much as I wanted to yet - AND it was my long work week.  Getting to the gym during my work week (12-16 hour days) is STILL a challenge for me.  Most of my gym time is going to be when I'm home!

Anyhow - I've been consistently swimming 500M without complications... I almost wonder if I should be doing something different because it just seems TOO easy.  I'm sticking to the program, though!

I started running, yesterday.  I don't know if it's because of my swimming or just because it's mind over matter - but it was a SUPER easy 20 minute run... perhaps that is why!  20 minutes.  Still - I've ran what I ran yesterday, before... and I'd say it has always been MORE challenging.  I think when everything is taken into perspective - my final goal of a sprint tri seems much greater than a tiny litle run on the treadmill at the gym... which is why I say it's mind over matter!

Compared to the crossfit training I did at the beginning of the year, this stuff is so easy... I hate saying that... but I can still sit down on the toilet without bracing myself on the toilet tank and door handle and lowering myself down by my upper body strength...  haha!  That being said, I MISS my crossfit training and WILL be going back to it ASAP.  Can't afford that shit right now and it's a shame!  I LOVE the atmosphere.

Which ...reminds me of my run yesterday only because I must have had this HUGE endorphin rush or something.  I REALLY wanted to sing some Jason Aldean while running on that thing - fist PUMP and all.  Only reason I didn't was because I was wearing my Boston Fire tee and didn't want to misrep with my mediocre voice... ahhhhahaha ;)  

Today I add cycling.  Unfortunately I didn't get to sleep until 3 AM ... my work fucks with my sleep patterns SO BAD.  I'm so sick of it.  I can't wait to be rid of my night or mid schedule and just work whenever I wish!! 

Big event in my life soon - my house goes up for sale THIS WEEK.


Off to eat then the gym (which I'm LOVING!).  REALLY wish I had a gym buddy to lift with!  Toodles.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

In case you were curious - my swim training schedule for the next 12 weeks!

September Swim Schedule
October Swim Schedule
November Swim Schedule
First "consultation" visit for training with Jeff @ 24 Hour Fitness.  He's awesome!  I train a lot better with men as opposed to women.  Maybe I'm totally sexist!!  BUT - I like WORKING with women, more than men... does that balance it out?  Anyhow...

Session went well.  He showed me some stretching which was NEEDED!!!!  and we did some core work... which IS NEEDED.  If there's an area that I'm a complete WUSS about in my LIFE - it's working out my core.  I can push through running and give myself shin splints.  I can push through swimming and have inflamed shoulders and knees... but I'm an absolutely BABY when it comes to working out my core.  I shall conquer that!

I did what he said and ate Greek Yogurt and some oatmeal prior to my workout and added in a little H2O and a 1/2 cup coffee (only bc I don't drink a lot of coffee anyhow). 

That's about it, folks!  I'm feeling good.  I'm motivated.  Now to go work in my garden and be with the pups!

Have a blessed day, everyone!