Monday, November 3, 2014

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

I'm totally comfortable where I am in life.  That's the scary part.  Comfort, for me, breeds nothing more than stagnation. 

I've been working on my home like CRAZY over the last six months.  Really, it's been since I bought it nearly three years ago... but since I made the decision to sell, it's been nonstop.  Why?  I want to get the best price possible for it, of course.  Well, I've reached the point where I do not want to sink any more money into it because it pretty much looks fabulous right now.  So what now?

I started this fitness journey a couple months back (for the millionth time) and the last two weeks fell off the wagon because of letting the business of work and open houses get in the way. 

I think I intentionally sabotage myself some times.  I think I sabotage because I know that when I reach my health goals, there is no stopping me.  Why should this scare me more than anything else in life?  Because it may just lead to me having everything I've ever wanted... and that is different than the comfort I experience in life, now.

Move over comfort - time to welcome change and excitement.  It's a constant battle!